Skálanes is a private sector nature and heritage centre within a 1250 hectare nature reserve in East Iceland, 16km from the nearest town of Seyðisfjörður. For the next 5 months (April -September 2011) I will be working as a Ranger on the reserve, undertaking practical management, monitoring wildlife and leading volunteer groups.

During my time at Skálanes I aim to try and keep a regular diary of my work on the reserve and my life in this beautiful and wild country. This blog is mainly aimed at my family and friends, but I also hope it will appeal to anyone who might be interested in nature conservation.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

All hands on deck...

The reserve at Skálanes is owned and run by Ólafur Örn Pétursson (and his family) and opens on 15th May. So it is all hands on deck as we try to get the centre ready for the volunteers, student groups and visitors that will start to arrive after that date.

All hands on deck…except for Oli that is! He is off on a nature exchange to Slovakia for a week and has left us to our own devices. So back to the deck…the whole thing needs sanded down and treated to protect it from the harsh conditions that we sometimes get here.

Aside from working on the decking we have been tidying things up around the centre and enjoying seeing the first migrant birds appearing on the reserve. There are more and more of them on a daily basis! (Including a Swallow today!)

Some photographs below:

 Izzy cleaning the salt off of the windows

 Paul & Izzy

 All hands on deck...

 View looking east towards Skálanes

Swallow (Hirundo rustica) on the washing line

 Greylag (Anser anser) Geese are pairing up to breed

Redwing (Turdus iliacus) have invaded the reserve


  1. Hi guys!
    Back in Skalanes then?! Fantastic, it is looking great and I am sure that you will make it very welcoming. I am very jealous indeed and I really hope that you have a good season.
    Did Oli get some pigs for the reserve? And is the sauna finished? Don't spend too long in the hot tub!
    I look forward to following your progress on the blog - keep the great pictures coming!

  2. Hi mate,

    Great to hear from you. Sauna is complete and the turf wall we built in 2009 looks really good. we will indeed have some pigs (and 4 cows) this summer. Photographs to come!

