Skálanes is a private sector nature and heritage centre within a 1250 hectare nature reserve in East Iceland, 16km from the nearest town of Seyðisfjörður. For the next 5 months (April -September 2011) I will be working as a Ranger on the reserve, undertaking practical management, monitoring wildlife and leading volunteer groups.

During my time at Skálanes I aim to try and keep a regular diary of my work on the reserve and my life in this beautiful and wild country. This blog is mainly aimed at my family and friends, but I also hope it will appeal to anyone who might be interested in nature conservation.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Amongst the long, green grass...

So now that summer has eventually found us and we have managed to get several days of consecutive sunshine, it appears that all the flowers on the reserve have decided it is probably worth a short demonstration of their beauty.

With this in mind we have been carrying out some basic vegetation surveys on the reserve to try and establish a base line that can then be further investigated by students with more botanical knowledge than we have.

Izzy and I have also managed a trip away again (at Oli´s insistence so that we do not "burn out") and have visited Husey a couple of hours drive north of Skálanes. Husey is an HI Youth Hostel set in the middle of the flood plain of one of the Icelandic glaciers. It is an amazing place with some beautiful wildlife. Seals, Great Skua, Arctic Skua, Arctic Tern and more Red-throated Divers than you can shake a stick at!
Seal at Husey

Great Skua

Chantel & I looking at Insects
Izzy working on a vegetation transect

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